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Most and Least Nutritive Fruits In World

Most and Least Nutritive Fruits In World Source: Pixabay Most and Least Nutritive Fruits An analysis of the 38 commonly eaten raw (as opposed to dried) fruits shows that the one with the highest calorific value is the avocado (Persea americana) with 741 calories per edible lb. That with the lowest value is cucumber with 73 calories per lb. Avocados probably originated in Central and South America and also contain vitamins A, C. and E and 2.2% protein. Biggest Apple An apple weighing 3 lb 1 oz was reported by V. Loveridge of Ross-on Wye, England in 1965. Largest Artichoke An 8-lb artichoke was grown in 1964 at Tollerton, N Yorkshire England, by A. R. Lawson Largest Broccoli A head of broccoli weighing 28 lb 14 3/4  oz was grown in 1964 by J. T. Cooke of Huntington, W. Sussex, England. Largest Cabbage In 1865 William Collingwood of The Stalwell, County Durham, England, grew a red cabbage with a circumference of 259 in. It reputedly weighed 123 lb. Largest Carrot A carrot weighing 11 lb w

Smallest Carnivore | Mammals | Guinness Book Records : Longest-lived Pinniped

 Smallest Carnivore | Mammals | Guinness Book Records : Longest-lived Pinniped 

                                                               Mustela rixosa

Smallest Carnivore

The least weasel (Mustela rixosa), also The smallest living carnivore called the dwarf weasel, which is circumpolar in distribution. Four races are recognized, the smallest of which is the M.r. pygmaea of Siberia. Mature specimens have an overall length (including tail) of 6.96-8.14 in and weigh between 1 1/4 and 2 1/2 oz.

 Smallest Feline

The smallest member of the cat family is the rusty-spotted cat (Felis rubiginosa) of southern India and SriLanka The average adult male has an overall length of 25-28 in (tail 9-10 in) and weighs about 3 lb.

Largest Pinniped (Seal, Sea Lion, Walrus)

 The largest of the 32 known species of pinnipeds is the southern elephant seal (Mirounga leonina) which inhabits the sub-Antarctic islands. Adult balls average 16 R in length (tip of inflated snout to the extremities of the outstretched tail fillers). 12 ft in maximum body girth and weigh 5,000 Ib. The largest accurately measured specimen on record was a bull killed in Possession Bay, South Georgia, Falkland Islands, South Atlantic. Feb 28, 1913, which measured c 224 fn in length or 21 ft 4 in after lensing and probably weighed 9,000 lb. There are old records of bulls measuring 25 30 and even 35, but these figures must be considered exaggerated.

LARGEST PINNIPED: The southern elephant seal can weigh up to 9,000 Inches oor weighed 5,000 od measure more than 25 ft in length-this one was 16 ft.

Smallest Pinniped

The smallest pinniped is the Baikal seal (Pusa sibirica) of Lake Bay, Kal, USSR, and the ringed seal (Pusa hispida) of the Arctic Adult specimens measure up to 5 I 6 in and weigh up to 280 lbs.

Fastest and Deepest Pinnipeds

The highest speed measured for a pinniped is 25 mph for a California sea lion (Zalophus californianus). The deepest dive recorded for a pinniped is 1,968 ft for a bull Weddell seals (Leptonychotes weddellii in McMurdo Sound, Antarctica, in March 1966. At this depth, the seal withstood a pressure of 875 lb per sq in of body area. 

The exceptionally large eyes of the southern elephant seal,point to a deep-diving ability, and unconfirmed measurements down to 2,000 ft have been claimed.

 Longest-lived Pinniped 

A female gray seal (Halichoerus grypus) shot at Shunn Wick in the Shetland Islands, Scotland, Apt 23, 1969 was believed to be at least 46 years old, based on a count of dental annuli.

Rarest Pinniped

The Caribbean or West Indian monk seal (Monachus tropicalis) was last seen on the beach of Isla Mujeres off the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico in 1962. and is now believed to be on the verge of extinction.

Largest Bat

The only flying mammals are bats (order Chiroptera), af which there are about 1,000 living species. The bat with the greatest wing span is the Kalong (Pteropus vampyrus), a fruit bat found in Malaysia and Indone s. It has a wing span of up to $ 7 in and weighs up to 31.7 oz.

Smallest Bat

The smallest species of bat is the rare Kitti's hog-nosed or bumblebee.

Fastest Bat

Because of great practical difficulties, few data on bat speeds have been published. The greatest speed attributed to a bat is 32 mph in the case of free-tailed or guano bat (Tadarida mexicana). This speed i closely matched by the noctule bat (Nyctalus noctula) and the long-winged bat (Miniopterus schreibersi), both of which have been timed at 31 mph.

Longest-Lived Bat

The greatest age reliably reported for a bat is at least 24 years" for a female little brown bat (Myotis lucifugus) found Apr 30, 1960 in a cave on Mount Acolis, East Dorset, Vt. It had been banded at a summer colony in Mashpee, Mass June 22, 1937 There is an unconfirmed French report of a 26-27-year-old greater horseshoe bat (Rhinolophus ferrumequinum).

Highest Detectable Pitch

Because of their ultrasonic echolocation, bats have the most acute hearing of any land animal. Vampire bats (Desmodontidae) and fruit bats (Pteropodidae) can hear frequencies as high as 150,000 cycles per sec (150 kHz). Compare this with 20 kHz for the adult human limit but 153 kHz for the bottle-nosed dolphin (Tursiops truncatus).

BETTER HEARING THAN MAN'S Both the fruit bat and the dolphin an hear frequencies 7 times higher than human .

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  • animals video.
  • animal planet.
  • animals list.
  • wild animals.
  • animal movie.
  • animals name.
  • animals names.
  • mammals of the world list.
  • smithsonian mammals.
  • amnh mammal collection database.
  • smithsonian artifact database.
  • north american mammals smithsonian.
  • smithsonian paleobiology database.
  • usnm number.
  • natural history museum collections database.


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