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Most and Least Nutritive Fruits In World

Most and Least Nutritive Fruits In World Source: Pixabay Most and Least Nutritive Fruits An analysis of the 38 commonly eaten raw (as opposed to dried) fruits shows that the one with the highest calorific value is the avocado (Persea americana) with 741 calories per edible lb. That with the lowest value is cucumber with 73 calories per lb. Avocados probably originated in Central and South America and also contain vitamins A, C. and E and 2.2% protein. Biggest Apple An apple weighing 3 lb 1 oz was reported by V. Loveridge of Ross-on Wye, England in 1965. Largest Artichoke An 8-lb artichoke was grown in 1964 at Tollerton, N Yorkshire England, by A. R. Lawson Largest Broccoli A head of broccoli weighing 28 lb 14 3/4  oz was grown in 1964 by J. T. Cooke of Huntington, W. Sussex, England. Largest Cabbage In 1865 William Collingwood of The Stalwell, County Durham, England, grew a red cabbage with a circumference of 259 in. It reputedly weighed 123 lb. Largest Carrot A carrot weighing 11 lb w

DOG : Rarest , Largest ,Guinness Book Of World Records

DOG : Rarest , Largest ,Guinness Book Of  World Records

Rarest Dog

The rarest breed of dog recognized by national kennel clubs is the Portuguese water dog (Cao de Agua). In Feb 1980, the world population was 334, including 207 in the US, and only 20 in Portugal.

Largest Dog

The heaviest breed of domestic dog (Canis familiaris) is the St Bernard .The heaviest example is "Benedictine," owned by Thomas C . and Ann E. Irwin of Grand Rapids Mich. He was whelped Dec 17, 1970 and weighed 305 lb in May 1978 (height 19 in at shoulder).

Tallest Dogs 

The tallest breeds of dog are the Great Dane and the Irish wolfhound,both of which can exceed 39 in at the shoulder. The extreme recorded example is the Great Dane "Shangret Danzal" (whelped in 1975),owned by Mrs G. Comley of Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire, England,which stands 40 1/2 in and weighs 224 lb. The Irish wolfhound Broad bridge Michael (whelped in 1920), owned by Mrs Mary Beynon of Sutton-at-Hone, Kent, England, stood 391 in at the age of two years.

Smallest Dogs

The smallest breeds of dog are the Yorkshire terrier, the Chihuahua and the toy poodle, miniature versions of which have been known to weigh less than 16 oz when adult. In Apr 1971 a weight of 10 oz was reli ably reported for an adult Yorkshire terrier named "Sylvia." owned by Mrs Connie Hutchins of Walthamstow, Greater London, England.

Dog Strength and Endurance

The greatest load ever shifted by a dog was 6,400% lb of railroad st pulled by a 176-lb St Bernard named "Ryettes Brandy Bear at Bot Wash, July 21, 1978. The 4-year-old dog owned by Douglas Alexa of Monroe, Wash, pulled the weight on a four-wheeled carrier acrolcement surface for a distance of 15 ft in less than 90 sec .

The strongest dog in the world in terms of most proportionate weight hauled is "Barbara-Allen's Dark Hans." a 97-10 Newfoundland, who pulled 5.046 1b ( 52 lb per Lb body weight) across a cement surface at Bothell, Wash, July 20, 1979. The dog, owned by Miss Terri Dickinson of Kenmore Wash, was only 12 months old when he made the attempt .

In the annual 1,049-mile dog sled race from Anchorage to Nome, Alaska, the record time is 14 days 14 hours 43 min by "Emitt Peters" in the 1975 race.

Largest  Litter

The largest recorded litter of puppies is one of 23 thrown on June 9, 1944, by "Lena," a foxhound bitch owned by Commander W. N Ely of Ambler, Pa On Feb 6-7, 1975, "Careless Ann." a si Bemard bitch owned by Robin and Alice Rodden of Lebanon. Mo, produced a litter of 23, of which 14 survived.

Most Prolific Dog

The dog who has died the greatest recorded number of puppies was e ceey hound "Low Pressure" nicknamed Timmy," whelped in Sept vasant owned by Mrs Bruna Amhurst of Regent's Park, London. From Dec 1961 until he died in Nov 1969, he has fathered 2.414 registered puppies, with at least 600 others unregistered.

Most Valuable Dogs

Ms Judith Thurlow of Great Ashfield. Suffolk. England, turned down offer of E14,000 (S35,000) in June 1972 for her racing greyhound Super Rory" (b Oct 1970). Show dogs have also fetched extremely high prices In July 1976 Mrs Eiselle Banks of Rayleigh. Essex, England. rned down an American afTer of $20,000 for her international cham pion Lowchen "Cluneen Adam Adamant" (b Aug 13, 1969). On June 27. 1972. August Belmont of Easton, Md, paid $22,000 for his Labrador re triever puppy. "Wanapum Lucky YoYo." This is the highest price ac tually paid for a dog.

Police Dogs

The top police dog is "Trep" of the Dade County Crime Force. Fla. who has sniffed out $63 million worth of narcotics. In a school demon stration looking for 10 hidden packets, Trep once found 11. In Jan 1977 a "contract" worth $10.000 was put out on the life of very successful drug-sniffing police dog named "Sergeant Blitz" by the underworld in Savannah, Ga. Shortly afterwards, an 8-ft-high concrete wall was built around the dog's kennel as a precautionary measure.

Guide Dog: The longest reported period of active service for a guide dog is 13 year 2 months in the case of a Labrador retriever bitch named "Polly.

"Top Dog"

The greatest altitude attained by a mammal other than man is 1,050 miles by the Samoyed husky bitch fired as a passenger in Sputnik II Nov 3, 1957. The dog was famously named "Kudryavka" (feminine form of Curly). "Limonchik" (diminutive of lemon), "Malyshka." Zhuchka" or by the Russian breed name for husky "Laika"

Top Show Dog

The record number of "Best in Show" awards won by any dog in all breed shows is 127, compiled from Jan 1957 to Feb 1960 by the Peking. ese International Champion "Chih TSun of Caversham." owned by Mr and Mrs Charles C. Venable of Marietta, Ga.

Ratting Dog

The greatest ratter of all time was James Searle's bull terrier bitch Jenny Lind." who killed 500 rats in 195 hours at "The Beehive" in Li liverpool, England on July 12, 1853. Another bull terrier named "Jack." owned by Mr Jemmy Shaw, was credited with killing 1,000 rats in 1 hour 40 min, but the feat was performed over a period of ten weeks in batches of 100 at a time. The last 100 were accounted for in 5 min 28 sec in Lon don on May 1, 1862.

Dog Tracking

The greatest tracking feat on record was performed by the Doberman "Saver trained by Detective-Sergeant Herbert Kruger. In 1925 he tracked a stock thief 100 miles across the Great Karoo, South Africa, by scent alone

In 1923 a collie named "Bobbie," lost by his owners while they were on vacation in Wolcott, Ind, turned up at the family home in Silverton, Ore 6 months later. after having covered a distance of close to 2,000 miles The doy later identified by people who had cared for him along the we. had apparently wandered back through I. Towa, Neb. and Colo, Nve using the Rocky Mis in the depths of winter. then continuing rough Wa and Idaho.

Highest and Longest Dog Jump

The canine "high jump" record for a leap and a scramble is held pintly by two German shepherd dogs named "Sabre" and "Harvey." horh scaled an 11-0-6 in wall at the 22nd Annual Royal Air Force sice (UK) Working Dog Trials held at RAF Newton Nottingham. En on Aug 4, 1979 grey-gland The longest recorded canine long jump was one of 30 n by und named "Bang." made in jumping a gate in coursing a hare at Bre con Lodge. Gloucestershire, England, in 1849 .

Greatest Dog Funeral

The greatest dog funeral on record was for the mongrel "Lazarus," belonging to the eccentric, Emperor Norton I of the US Protector of Mex-ico,held in San Francisco in 1862, which was attended by an estimated 10,000 people.

Top Dog Trainer

The most successful dog trainer--and the fastest is Mrs Barbara Woodhouse of Rickmansworth, Hertfordshire, England, who has trained 17.028 dogs to a high standard from 1951 to March 25. 1980. Her record for a single day is 80 dogs in June 1973 in Denver, Colo.

Cat Population

The cat population in the US of 23 million is the largest in the world. It compares with 4.9 million in the UK.

Oldest Cats

Cats are generally longer-lived animals than dogs. Information on this subject is often obscured by two or more cats bearing the same nickname in succession. The oldest cat ever recorded was probably the tabby "Puss," owned by Mrs T. Holway of Clayhidon, Devon, England, who celebrated his 36th birthday on Nov 28, 1939 and died the next day. A more recent and better documented case was that of the female tabby "Ma" owned by Mrs Alice St George Moore, of Drewsteignton, Devon. England. She was put to sleep Nov 5, 1957, aged 34.

Largest Cat Litter

The largest litter ever recorded was one of 19 kittens (4 stillborn) delivery- ered by Caesarean section to "Tarawood Antigone," a 4-year-old brown Burmese, on Aug 7, 1970. Her owner, Mrs Valerie Gane of Kingham. Oxfordshire, England, reported that the litter was the result of mismating With a bulb-Siamese. Of the IS survivors, 14 were male.

The Largest live litter of which all survived was one of 14 kittens born  in Dec 1974 to the Persian cat "Bluebell,"

Heaviest Cat 

The Heaviest Cat domestic cat (Felix catus) on record is a 10 year old ong haired part-asian named Tiger" who until recently sealed 42-4) In within neck, a n waist and a 37-in length He is owned by Ms Pills ace of Billericay, Essex, England In Nept 1979, however he lost weight rapidly after being treated for w hormone imbalance and has since leveled out at 23 lb.

Smallest Cats of the reproductive problems involved, there is no recognized latest best or cat Au weighs of under 3th. however have been reliably reported in case of retina dwara average weight .

Richest Cats

Dr William Center of San Diego Cities in June 1963 leaving ha entire estate of $415,000 to his two 15-year-old cats, "Helleat" adnie. When the cars died in 1965 the money went to George Washington University, Washington, DC 

Most Valuable Cat 

In 1967 Miss Eb Peth Seller of Grafham, England, turned ffer of 2,000 guineas (then $3,880) from an American breeder for her year old champion copper-eyed white Persian tom, "Caylum Marcus March 28, 1965, d April 14, 1978).

Mousing Champion 

The greatest mouser on record was a tabby named "Mickey." owned by Shepherd & Sons Ltd of Burscough, Lancashire., England, which killed more than 22.000 mice during 23 years with the firm. He died io Nov 1968.

Best Climbing Cat

On Feb 28, 1980 a female cat climbed 70 n up the sheer outside wall of * story apartment house in Bradford, Yorkshire, England, and took refuge in a roof space. She had been frightened by a dog.


The largest breed of domestic rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) is the ish giant Adult specimens average 18-20 ib but weights up to 30 1b ba been reliably reported for bucks The heaviest recorded wild rabbil (Av age weight 3s lb) is one of 6 lb 12 oz shot by Monty Forest on the Swit ford Estate, Burford, Oxfordshire, England, in Feb 1976, The smallest breeds of domestic rabbit are the Netherlands dwarf and the Polish, boch of which averagev2 1/4 lb at maturity.


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