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Most and Least Nutritive Fruits In World

Most and Least Nutritive Fruits In World Source: Pixabay Most and Least Nutritive Fruits An analysis of the 38 commonly eaten raw (as opposed to dried) fruits shows that the one with the highest calorific value is the avocado (Persea americana) with 741 calories per edible lb. That with the lowest value is cucumber with 73 calories per lb. Avocados probably originated in Central and South America and also contain vitamins A, C. and E and 2.2% protein. Biggest Apple An apple weighing 3 lb 1 oz was reported by V. Loveridge of Ross-on Wye, England in 1965. Largest Artichoke An 8-lb artichoke was grown in 1964 at Tollerton, N Yorkshire England, by A. R. Lawson Largest Broccoli A head of broccoli weighing 28 lb 14 3/4  oz was grown in 1964 by J. T. Cooke of Huntington, W. Sussex, England. Largest Cabbage In 1865 William Collingwood of The Stalwell, County Durham, England, grew a red cabbage with a circumference of 259 in. It reputedly weighed 123 lb. Largest Carrot A carrot weighing 11 lb w

Importance Of Road Transport In The World (The first municipal motor bus service )

Importance Of Road Transport In The World :The first municipal motor bus service 


The first municipal motor bus service was inaugurated on Apr 12,1903 between the Eastbourne railway station and Meads, East Sussex, in England . A steam-powered bus named Royal Patent ran between Gloucester and Cheltenham, England, for 4 months in 1831. The longest regularly scheduled bus route is Greyhound's "Super cruise Miami-to-San Francisco route over 3,240 miles in 81 hours 50 mun (average speed of travel 39.59 mph). The total Greyhound fleet numbers 5,500 buses.

The longest buses are the 12-ton, 76-ft-long articulated buses, with 121 passenger seats and room for an additional 66 "strap-hangers," built by the Wayne Corporation of Richmond, Ind for use in the Middle East.

Largest Dump Truck

The largest dump truck is the Terex Titan 33-19 manufactured by the Terex Division of the General Motors Corp. It has a loaded weight of 604.7 tons and a capacity of 350 tons. When unloading, its height is 56 ft. The 16-cylinder engine delivers 3,300 hp and the fuel tank holds 1,560 gallons. It went into service in Nov 1974.

Most Powerful Fire Engine

The most powerful fire appliance is the 860-hp 8-wheel Oshkosh fire truck used for aircraft fires. It can discharge 49,920 gallons of foam through 2 turrets in just 150 sec. It weighs 66 tons.

Most Powerful Wrecker

The most powerful wrecker is the Vance Corp 28-ton 30-A-long Monster No. 2 stationed at Hammond, Ind. It can lift in excess of 179 tons on is short boom.

Largest Earth Mover

The Balderson "Double Dude" plow harnessed to a Caterpillar SXS D9H 820 flywheel hp tractor can cast 14,185 cu yd of earth per hour.

Largest Tractor

The largest tractor is the $325,000, 65-ton Northern Manufacturing Cog-wheeled 16V-747. It is 14 tall and 20 ft 7 in wide with an 848.6-gallon ank It was launched in Oct 1978.

Longest Motor Trip

The longest continuous trailer tour is one of 143,716 miles by Harry B.Coleman and Peggy Larson in a Volkswagen Camper from Aug 20, 1976 to Apr 20, 1978 through 113 countries. Saburo Ouchi (b Feb 7, 1942) of Tokyo, Japan, drove 167,770 miles in 91 countries from Dec 2, 1969 to Feb 10, 1978. He said Queensland, Australia has the worst roads in the world for his Volkswagen "Kombi."

Largest Road Load

The world's record road load is one of 830 tons when a nuclear reactor vessel was moved from Seneca to Marseilles, Ill on a 384-wheel Schearele trailer by the Reliance Truck Co, on Feb 12, 1977. 

The greatest weight moved on wheels was a 2,399 ton module for the Claymore field North Sea oil platform measuring 200 x 50 x 28 640-wheeled Magnaload platform at Willington Quay, Wallsend, England in Aug 1976.

Largest Tires

The largest tires are manufactured in Topeka, Kans by the Goodyear Co for giant dump trucks. They are 11 ft 6 in in diameter, weigh 12,560 lb and cost more than $50,000. A tire 17 in diameter is believed to be the practical upper limit.

 Amphibious Vehicle

The only transatlantic crossing by an amphibious vehicle was achieved by Ben Carlin (Australia) in an amphibious jeep called "Half-Safe." Carlin completed the last leg of the Atlantic crossing (across the English Channel) on May 8, 1958, having completed a circumnavigation 39,000 miles over land and 9,600 miles by river and sea.


The longest snowmobile journey to date was the cross-country from Westport, Wash to Lubec, Maine, a distance of 5,004.5 miles 

completed by driver Fritz Sprandel of Schnecksville, Pa, on his Scorpion Whip snowmobile, in 62 days from Dec 4, 1977 to Feb 4, 1978.

Largest Taxi Fleet

The largest taxi fleet was that of NYC, which amounted to 29,000 cabs in Oct 1929, compared with the present figure of 12,500, plus an equal number of "gypsy" cabs.

Longest Skid Marks

The longest recorded skid marks on a public road were 950 ft long left by Jaguar car involved in an accident on the M.1 near Luton, Bedford- shire, England June 30, 1960. Evidence given in the High Court case Hurlock Ingles and others indicated a speed in excess of 100 mph be for the application of the brakes.

The skid marks made by the jet-powered Spirit of America, driven by Craig Breedlove, after the car went out of control at Bonneville Saft Flats, Utah Oct 15, 1964 were nearly 6 miles long.

Driving in Reverse

Charles Creighton (1908–70) and James Hargis of Maplewood, Mo drove their Ford Model A 1929 roadster in reverse from NYC to Los Angeles (3,340 miles), July 26-Aug 13, 1930 without stopping the engine once. They arrived back in NY on Sept 5, again in reverse, thus completing 7,180 miles in 42 days.

 The highest average speed attained in any non-stop reverse drive et ceding 500 miles was achieved by Gerald Hoagland, who drove a 1969 Chevrolet Impala 501 miles non-stop in 17 hours 38 min at Chemung Speed Drome, NY July 9101976 to average 28.41 mph.

Most Successful Mechanic

Leopold Alfonso Villa (1899-1979) was a racing mechanic, or chief en ginger, for Malcolm and Donald Campbell when they set 21 world speed records (10 land, 11 water) from 1924 to 1964.

Related Searches:

  • types of road transport.
  • road transport in India.
  • ministry of road transport and highways.
  • road transport vehicles.
  • road transport advantages and disadvantages.
  • importance of road transport.
  • means of road transport.
  • road transport examples.


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