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Most and Least Nutritive Fruits In World

Most and Least Nutritive Fruits In World Source: Pixabay Most and Least Nutritive Fruits An analysis of the 38 commonly eaten raw (as opposed to dried) fruits shows that the one with the highest calorific value is the avocado (Persea americana) with 741 calories per edible lb. That with the lowest value is cucumber with 73 calories per lb. Avocados probably originated in Central and South America and also contain vitamins A, C. and E and 2.2% protein. Biggest Apple An apple weighing 3 lb 1 oz was reported by V. Loveridge of Ross-on Wye, England in 1965. Largest Artichoke An 8-lb artichoke was grown in 1964 at Tollerton, N Yorkshire England, by A. R. Lawson Largest Broccoli A head of broccoli weighing 28 lb 14 3/4  oz was grown in 1964 by J. T. Cooke of Huntington, W. Sussex, England. Largest Cabbage In 1865 William Collingwood of The Stalwell, County Durham, England, grew a red cabbage with a circumference of 259 in. It reputedly weighed 123 lb. Largest Carrot A carrot weighing 11 lb w




Most Children

The greatest officially recorded number of children produced by a mother is 69 by the first of the 2 wives of Feodor Vassilyev (b 1707-ft. 1782), a peasant from Shuya, 150 miles east of Moscow, who, in 27 confinements, gave birth to 16 pairs of twins, 7 sets of triplets and 4 sets of quadruplets. The children, of whom almost all survived to their majority vere born in the period c. 1725-1765 . At least 67 survived infancy. The case was reported to Moscow by the Monastery of Nikolskiy Feb 27, 1782. Empress Ekaterina II (The Great) (1762-96) was reputed to have evinced interest .

Currently the highest reliably reported figure is a 32nd child born to Raimundo Carnauba and his wife Madalena, of Ceilandia, Brazil . She was married at 13 and so far has bad 24 sons and 8 daughters. In May 1972, the mother said. "They have given us a lot of work and worry but they are worth it," and the father. "I don't know why people make such a is the health ahead interviens wah this hily pode variety consistent .

Oldest Mother

 Medical literature contains extreme but unauthenticated cases of septuagenarianmothers such as Mrs Ellis, aged 72, of Four Crosses, Clwyd, Wales, who allegedly produced a stikkborn 13th child May 15 1776, in her 46th year of marriage. Many cases are cover ups for illegitimate grandchildren. 


In polygamous countries, the number of a person's descendants soon becomes incalculable. The last Shaman Emperor of Morocco, Moulay Ismail (1672-1727), known as "The Bloodthirsty," was reputed to have fathered a total of 548 sons and 340 daughters.

Multiple Great-Grandparents

 Theoretically a great-great-great-great-grandparent is a possibility, al-though, in practice, countries in which young mothers are common generally have a low life expectancy.

At least eleven cases of great-great-great-grandparents have been reported in the last 20 years .Of these cases the youngest person to learn that her great-granddaughter had become a grandmother was Mrs Ann V. Weirick (1888-1978) of Paxtonville, Pa, who received news of her great-great-great-grandson Matthew Stork (b Sept 9. 1976) when aged only 88. She died Jan 6, 1978.

Most Living Ascendants

Micheal Levion Moss (b March 23, 1979) of Underwood, Minn, had a full set of grandparents and great-grandparents, and three great-great grandparents, making 17 direct ascendants.

Multiple Births

It was announced by Dr Gennaro Montanino of Rome that he had re moved the fetus of 10 girls and boys from the womb of a 35-year-old housewife July 22, 1971. A fertility drug was responsible for this unique and unsurpassed instance of quindecaplets.

The highest recorded birth weight for surviving twins is 2 lb 3 oz in the case of Mary (16 oz) and Margaret (19 oz) born to Mrs Florence Stimson of Peterborough, England, delivered by Dr Macaulay, Aug 16, 1931.

Oldest Twins

The oldest recorded twins were Eli and John Phipps, born Feb 14 1803, in Affinghton, Virginia. Eli died at the age of 108 years 9 days Feb 23, 1911. in Hennessey, Okla, at which time John was still living, in Shenandoah, Iowa. The chances of identical twins both reaching 100 are said to be one in 700 million.

"Siamese" Twins

Conjoined twins derived this name from the celebrated Chang and Eng Bunker, born at Maklong. Thailand (Siam), May 11, 1811. They were joined by a cartilaginous band at the chest and married in April 1843 the Misses Sarah and Adelaide Yates, The father 10 and 12 children respectively. They died within three hours of each other Jan 17, 1874, aged 62.

The earliest successful separation of Siamese twins was performed on Prisna and Napit Atkinson (b May 1951 in Thailand) by Di Dragstedt at the University of Chicago March 29, 1955 The rarest form of conjoined twins is Dicephales tetrabrachius dipus (two heads, four arms and two legs) of which only two examples are known today. They are the pair Masha and Dasha, born on Jan 4, 1950, in the USSR, and an unidentified pair separated in a 10-hour operation June 23, 1977, in Washington, DC.

Oldest Surviving Triplets

The longest-lived triplets on record were Faith. Hope, and Charity Caughlin, bom March 27, 1868, in Marlboro, Mass. Mrs (Ellen) Hope Daniels was the first to die March 2, 1962, when 93.

Fastest Triplet Birth

The fastest recorded natural birth of triplets has been 2 minutes in the case of Mrs James E Duck of Memphis, Tenn (Bradley, Christopher and Carmon) March 21, 1977.

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